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IPS Wins 2016 Nestle Accolade

IPS won big at the recent 2016 Nestle Supplier Awards by being awarded the "Fuelling the Virtuous Circle Award"

The award recognises the greatest contribution and collaboration from a supplier to significantly reducing the total delivered cost of Nestle finished goods.

IPS won through its development and implementation a major packaging innovation rolled out specifically on behalf of Nestle in 2015. An innovation which is now enabling annualised cost savings of over £1 million.

"We bought and installed two bespoke 'tube forming' lines at our Featherstone site. This major IPS investment unlocked massive environmental and cost benefits to Nestle. The development of the project was a real partnership approach. I am pleased to say it was delivered within budget and on time, well in time for the 2015 Xmas packing season." said Andrew Dawson IPS Managing Director.

IPS Wins Best Service Award