IPS Have Brought Home
Another Key Industry Award
UK Packaging awards LogoThe UK Packaging awards took place on October 10th at the iconic Grovsenor House in London and the IPS team were there with fingers crossed.
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Offering Our Partners
The Best Co-Packing Solutions
With our high level of expertise and innovative approach in all areas of Contract Packing allows us to provide a full packing service.
Our Services
Offering Our Partners
The Best Co-Packing Solutions
With our high level of expertise and innovative approach in all areas of Contract Packing allows us to provide a full packing service.
Our Services
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750,000 sq ft

co-packing space


service level


packing lines


operating sites

IPS is the UK's Market Leading Co-Packer

IPS is the largest co-packer in the UK, working with some of the best-known food brands to provide cost-effective and innovative co-packing, co-filling and co-manufacturing solutions. With over 30 years experience, a national network of co-packing facilities, committed staff and a flexible approach to business, IPS continues to lead the market


Why Use Us?

Our Services

Our comprehensive range of contract packing services have been developed and tailored in response to the requirements of our clients

Automatic Product Weighing

Product Repacking

Contract Powder Blending

Flow Wrapping

Product Labelling

Carton Packing

Product Pouching

Product Bagging

Contract Filling Services

Naked Product Packing

Strategic Contract Packaging

Contact Us

For further information or to discuss your co-packing requirements, please complete and submit the form.

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